Thursday, May 14, 2009

Inhuman Rights

Ezra Levant is a Canadian journalist. He was dragged into a totally unjustified and unwarranted quasi-legal case before the Alberta Human Rights Commission. His 'crime': a local mullah was irritated with him. Levant spent Canadian $100,000 to get out of the trouble. And he not only got himself out, but pushed the Human Rights Commissions into deep trouble. Here is a link to his blog:
Here is a link to his closing statement to the Alberta Commission. A speech deserving a place in history:
The Indian Rights Mongers may try to learn a thing or two from it - if they have a learning brain.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Our Prime Minister and a shoe

Some youth, desperate for the cheap publicity, has tried to hit our Prime Minister with a shoe. Dictators are hit with bullets, not shoes. Better be a feared tyrant than a despised demagogue.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Some good links

Ansari X Prize

Even four years after it has been won, Ansari - X Prize is not widely known in India. Quite understandable, given that no cricketer or actress was seen with it. Find why the Indian Space Research Organization is obsolete. Here are some links:
And here is the incredible entity that won this prize:

And the machine that made baboons out of babus everywhere:

And the other unbelievable projects of this organization are:

Find why a small group that knows what it is doing can always beat the government-funded "research" behemoths.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Austrian School of Economics

The Austrian school of economics has a healthy and well-founded suspicion of government interventions in the economy. They advocate taking the currency away from the "Big Government". The best-known site is the Mises Institute . Have a look at their arguments for a gold standard.

Friday, April 3, 2009

The New Age Depression

When will this 'meltdown' that had into a 'slowdown' and now about to be named 'recession' will be called a 'depression'?

The comparisons with 1929 are inevitable. But there is a crucial difference: then the US currency and almost all other currencies were on the gold-standard. During the Great Depression, taking them off the gold-standard, turning them into fiat currencies and reducing their value alone boosted the economy very much, as the hoarded money was dumped again into circulation to prevent the reduction in wealth. However, this trick wont work now, because all the currencies are now by fiat. Hence, governments are going to try the only way they are comfortable with: flooding us with more printed money.